Is Your Computer Shielded by Antivirus Software?
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Is Your Computer Shielded by Antivirus Software?

We can't survive without a computer or a tablet or a smart phone in this modern world. Our education, jobs, communications, social connections and most importantly our banking, trading and most everything we operate on a daily basis are done using these smart devices.

We are all well aware of how important it is for us humans and our pets to stay healthy, exercise and eat well. Similarly, keeping our modern appliances healthy is equally important. You can think of the softwares, apps that we install consciously are the food to our appliances. The viruses and the malware's that get installed without our knowledge are the unhealthy food that makes our appliances sick, causing at most frustration to us and at times financial loss when the hackers get access to our financials, businesses and etc.

It's very important to invest in a good antivirus software to protect your computer realtime. Yes realtime and not just offline. There are softwares like Malwarebytes and McAfee which do a very good job in monitoring realtime activities and prevent you from accidentally infecting your computer with viruses and malware's.

There are several antivirus software providers in the industry. Based on my research and personal use I found that Malwarebytes and McAfee are light weight - meaning they don't consume a lot of your computer resources and doesn't slow down your computer. And it functions very efficiently in auto updating the software and auto runs scans at regular intervals. These schedules can be configured based on your preference, to have them run at times when you don't use computer very actively.

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